Our Process
Step 1: The Interview
Our process is first selective and uniquely broken into 3 phases to completion, because we see every client as a long term partner, we select who we choose to work with. In doing so, we first conduct one of two interviews with you. The 1st interview is more personal- we focus our attention on the Why Vs the What. Why do you want to be in business? Why do you want funding? Why do you believe you’ll be successful? We truly try to get to know you and what makes you tick. The reason we do this is because we know, that every lender knows anyone can get someone to write a great business plan, but it’s the person driving the business that makes all the difference.
Step 2: Business Questionnaire
The second step will be to conduct and in depth business analysis that’s focused on learning more about your business goals, ideas, and current challenges if any and then set realistic timeliness, with a 1 year foresight of where you would like to be a year from now.
Step 3: “The LAB”
Then we go to work, we’ll take all the information we’re gathered and take it the “LAB”. The lab is a central room that we invite our most experienced consultant with experience within your industry to pool thoughts, resources and strategic ideas to impact your business plan. The “LAB” is where the magic happens for us.
Once our “LAB” work is complete, we’ll conduct intensive research to support our strategy and business plan direction that will set you apart once in front of the right lenders.
Step 4: 1st Draft & Review
Once our 1ST draft is completed, we’ll have our talented proof readers and detailed project managers, review your business plan, then have your designated business consultant review our 1ST draft with you.
Step 5: Refine & Complete
We’ll then take notes from our meeting and make edit’s if necessary, then pass on your business plan to our designers who we consider the very best at what they do. Our designers will align what is written in every design to immediately appeal to lenders.
By following this process, it has allowed us to streamline each project successfully within or even ahead of expected timelines.